Monday, August 4, 2008


yo KV! i checkd out ur blog its sweet! XD its rele dark an stuff alot like u its pretty kewl!
an i dig the-dis thng
i'm rele inta dis new realm idea y didn't i thinka dat? im also diggin the new name so wat i call u Black Raspberry now or KVBR? wateva i'm still callin u KV! it pwns! IT PWNS ALL! ay yw for takin u inside urself??..................thats sounds weird good to c u hear!!
l8r KV! ad meh on ur blog list kewl?
-RavenCross but i'm keepin it simpler now just Kobay is kewl


Black Raspberry said...

Greetings RavenCross. Thank you. I'm enjoying your blog, too. I like your new template. Your blog is very orange. I know it's your favorite color. Your new blog is great. I love it. I am so excited about our new blogs. I hoped you would like my blog. It is very dark. I'm happy with it. I give you all the credit for coming up with the name of my new blog. You inspired me to create The New Realm. I knew you'd like that my words line up on the right side instead of the left. I also knew you'd like my new name. I thought it was interesting, mysterious, dark, and I've always liked it. It doesn't matter to me what you refer to me as. If you would like to continue to call me K.V., that's fine. Or if you would rather call me Black Raspberry, that's fine, too. Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy. You didn't go inside of my body, but you did reach into my heart and put the pieces back together. It was the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me, or will ever do for me. I will add you to a friends list. Thank you, Kobay. It's good to see you here, too. I am so glad you're here.

RachAEL said...

ooooh so ur ravencross? well nice to meet u! u sound really fun and funny! just one question:

ARE U SAUL!!!?????

haha maybe not. idk

well ill add u to my blog list :DDD yep

LOL BR is all deep and her supposed "friend" is like the total oppisite and party animal LOL

ps do u go to our church dude?

Kobay said...

HA! YEH-YUH!i got yuh on meh blog! pwns don't it? so kewl ta b on blogs @ teh same time.............................SWEET! XD.......................

yo KV...........y is dis other girl on meh blog? hw haw she thinks i'm funnay.....................................dose she like meh or somehing?......................who's saul? idk anyone called saul kewl i'm on ur blog list! u like meh or something? we are friends DUH! KV is meh BBF HEY! I CAN B DEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll have u kno i scuba dived like 3 times this summer! so HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

.........................'s it called?

Black Raspberry said...

Kobay is very funny. He is definitely not Saul. If he was, I would know. We may be opposites, but Kobay can actually be deep and calm when he wants to. I do like your 'blog, Kobay. It's too bad you had to log off. Kobay, this is my friend, Rachael. Rachael, this is my friend, Kobay, who's old 'blog name was RavenCross. Now that you two have met, I'm sure that you will be friends. You seem to have a lot in common. I highly doubt Rachael likes you because she doesn't know you. Saul is a friend of Rachael's and others on Blogger who is using the name "Saul" to hide who he really is. He has had them guessing since I first met them. Their church is called Westside, and you've never been there.

Kobay said...

HA! I'M FUNNY! XD ................i'm deep and calm to?....................SWEET! DO I PWN OR WAT? ya srry bout mom told meh to come out an watch da movie......................................

AY RACHAEL! XD U PWN! but not as much as meh though! SHE DIGS MEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

..........y do they care who he is??????????????????? i've heard of westside! wait........................................................................nvm

B.J. said...

Yea you are totally funny except when you call ppl a fool or a phreak. Then it's stupid. And why does Rachael dig you ??? Also what was the movie your mom made you log off to watch???

Black Raspberry said...

See, Kobay? People do think you are funny when you are not insulting them. I think Kobay is done with name calling.

Kobay said...

yea watev no name can't say what movie i watched.........rachel so digs meh! XD..............i don't remembr y.........

Black Raspberry said...

Why can you not say it? You love that movie.

Kobay said...

i know i like it but..................i can't tell them dat

it aint manly KV!!

Kobay said...

it just aint manly!

John said...

Hey Kobe, I think your 'blog looks pretty nice. It's very you, taking the bright, orange color into consideration. You should type up some more posts. People really get a kick out of what you have to say. And you shouldn't be ashamed to like that movie. I'm a boy, and I like it, too.

Kobay said...

i thought it nice to bro. dude orange is pure pwnage! XD uh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wat should i talk bout? yah i kno alright it's a good movie

LeaTude said...

which movie? oh that movie, cute. i even like that movie. come to my blog